Even after 45 years of being a gardener I still get a huge buzz from producing plants from seed. I may order online but pouring over printed seed catalogues that arrive on the doormat before the end of the growing year and planning what to grow next year is a joy for a wet end of summer day. Apart from some of the vegetables all our seed grown garden plants are germinated inside and pricked off into modules or small pots before hardening off and planting in the garden. It is one of the certainties of gardening that there will never be enough room in the greenhouse during March and April but this year I have tried to be disciplined so that I can at least get inside the door without standing on a seed tray. We also need room for the overwintering tender plants such as Dahlia and Canna that end up in the tropical bed and any plug seedlings brought in from specialist producers. Then of course there are my impulse buys on sunny days in garden centres and nurseries (but I always tell people not to do that!)
16 March 2014